The Critical Role of a Skilled Child Custody Attorney in Custody Disputes

If you are undergoing a divorce or separation, it is likely that child custody will be a major concern. A qualified Houston family lawyer can help you determine the best parenting arrangement for your unique situation, as well as advocate on your behalf in court if necessary.

Parenting rights are a significant issue in divorce cases, but they can also be the subject of legal disputes outside of marriage. A child custody attorney can represent either spouse or parents in a dispute over visitation, parenting time, and other important issues surrounding children. In the event that a conflict cannot be resolved through mediation, your Houston child custody lawyer can provide a full range of litigation services.

Child Custody Attorneys in Houston

If your child custody case goes to trial, a judge will decide the arrangements. This is based on what the judge believes is in the child’s best interests, taking into account input from both parties and any experts that may be called upon by the court to testify. The majority of custody cases are resolved outside of the courtroom, through a settlement between the parties.

A Houston child custody lawyer can help you reach an agreement that benefits everyone involved in the matter, if possible. Generally, a joint custody arrangement is preferable to sole custody, because it means both parents are actively involved in the child’s life. In a joint custody arrangement, each parent has an equal role in making decisions concerning the child’s education, healthcare, and extracurricular activities. However, in a sole custody arrangement, one parent has primary conservatorship of the child and is responsible for making those decisions. The other parent is designated as the non-custodial conservator, and must pay child support to the custodial parent.

Even after a child custody agreement is established, it can change over time. If a parent wants to relocate, for example, they must apply for a modification. The court will consider whether the relocation is in the child’s best interest, and may decide to restrict visitation or terminate parental rights in order to protect the child.

A Houston Child Custody Lawyer can also assist with modification of child support, spousal support, and guardianship. The Law Office of Stacy Ly serves clients in the Houston area and handles matters involving family law, including divorces, child support, paternity, child custody, and guardianship. The firm also handles domestic violence-related restraining orders and prenuptial agreements.

W. Tyler Moore PC specializes in family law cases. Located in Houston, the firm provides pragmatic legal counsel to individuals and families seeking adoptions, termination of birth parents’ rights, and paternity actions. Additionally, it assists with contested and uncontested divorces and other related matters, such as property division. The firm has been in business since 2007.

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